Back to today's post: My Handy-men
I have been blessed with a husband who can fix anything, and that is not an exaggeration! He has a real gift for finding solutions to problems and putting things back together--I've always been very impressed by this.
However, now that we have kids (who watch everything Daddy does!) they want to help in the "fixing" too. The problem with that is most of the things that need fixed were broken by them.
Every other day or so, Henry will see something that he thinks need repair and run off to get his tools. And Jonah wouldn't want to be left out, so he comes along with his own tools. It's pretty fun to see them crawling into the bathtub to fix the stopper that came loose, or taking their hammers and tapping the areas where the carpet meets the tile (we had a lot of high, pokey carpet tacks). Of course their tools are all oversized and made of plastic, but that doesn't seem to deter them. I suppose when you're a handy-man, you just use what you've got!