"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
This is not the best picture, but it's the most recent one that I have! :)
The boys thought that the steam rising up from the sidewalks was pretty neat too. We had to have pictures, of course! If you look around Jonah you can see it coming up behind him.
The show ended around 10pm Saturday night, and when we stepped outside to walk the four blocks to the hotel, we saw SNOW!!! The boys were slightly more excited than I was! Not that I don't like snow, but I had planned ahead and brought their jackets, hats and gloves, and all I had for myself was a light-weight sweatshirt with a hood. And I was wearing crocs. (You know, the shoes with all the HOLES in them? I'm a smart girl!) But carrying Jonah most of the way definitely warmed me up! Henry had fun splashing in all the puddles. Our hotel was right in the middle of Greektown--very fun, and Kelly and I took pictures along the way--even though you can't see it, it was dumping snow on us! :)
It was a great time, and even though Ginger couldn't make it to Detroit to see us, we had so much fun! :) It's always good to get away for even just a few days. I feel completely renewed and refreshed (even though I haven't caught up on the laundry yet!).
Sunday morning we went to church with Sam's parents, and then went back to their house for brunch. MaryBeth served the most amazing strawberry french toast! I got the recipe, of course, but we'll have to see if I ever get a chance to make it!
The boys had play clothes to change into, but they so enjoyed their "nice" clothes that I couldn't convince them to change all day! They picked out their own suits, and the boots were their choice too! :)
Henry wanted to get in on the action, so we let him take a picture too. He's getting better, but he still wants to drop the camera down before it's quite finished taking the picture! We forgot to get a family picture, so at least Sam and I are both (mostly) in this one!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter surrounded by friends and family!!!
Lots of fun! Next summer Henry will be old enough for an organized soccer team, and he is already talking about it! To be honest, I can't wait too! :)