"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Monday, March 31, 2008
a few random pictures....
Friday, March 28, 2008
Henry and his buddies, Jonah and his blankie
Every time I caught up with Henry he was by Isabella's side--they are like two peas in a pod!
This picture isn't from today, but this one shows that Lexi and Henry are cut from the same cloth....
Have a blessed weekend!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Parents University--Finances
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's not hard to get a smile out of her....
Monday, March 24, 2008
Jonah dancing
Here's the clip of Jonah dancing at the Easter egg hunt this weekend.
The boy has moves!
family pictures
On Saturday we had family pictures taken out at Sam's folks house. Not just our family of five, but the ENTIRE family (Sam's parents, brothers and sister and all the kids). I think they all came out pretty well.
Here's our family picture. Yes, Sam is in the middle of saying something, but it's the best of the bunch!

Have a GREAT Monday, everyone!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dallas ATF
I got to meet Pat, Ben and JR from the band, and I just want to say these guys are the real deal. Sam has gotten to know them from touring with them, and he was really excited for me to meet them. They could not have been nicer! And so very sincere. Really. you should check them out--they are worth a listen!
This guy also played this weekend's event:Recognize him? I know the picture is terrible. Is this next one any better?
Ha! Yep, I got to meet David Crowder too. I've really enjoyed his music (I think I've even posted some of his lyrics on this blog!), and his show was even better. This man is a great entertainer! His show was captivating. And he was gracious and humble when I had the chance to talk with him.
Here is what Bridget did while David Crowder rocked the house: She slept! It was SO LOUD, but she just sat there and watched the lights and then fell fast asleep! MaryBeth enjoyed holding her throughout the concert and held her hands over Bridget's ears the entire time. :)
And here is my hot husband! Do you love the sport jacket/shorts/white socks with dress shoes look?
I thought you might.
So what did you do this weekend? I hope it was fabulous!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Snow in East Texas!!!!
The front of the house
The boys ran to put on their boots, coats and hats over their pajamas. Then they just stood outside with their mouths open, expressions of pure joy on their faces!
Henry got it figured out pretty quickly. He made snowballs, ran around in the yard, discovered that "It's fun to fall down in the snow!" and asked for help building a snowman.
Jonah enjoyed it, but not quite as much as Henry. He couldn't help but be excited because the rest of us were so excited, but I don't think he liked having cold hands! Because we don't usually have snow around here, we no longer keep good gloves in the house.....so the boys had pretty wet hands by the time we were done.
Here's Henry with his first snowman. This one survived. His second and third ones were taller than he was, but Elmer got a little excited and knocked them down (before I could take pictures!).
It didn't last long. By the afternoon most of the snow was gone, and the snowmen were getting pretty small.
Every day since (at least four times a day) Henry has been praying about the snow. He thanks God for the snow he sent and tells him how much fun he had and always remembers to ask for more! :)
Happy Winter to you all! Hope you all enjoy the last few weeks of the season!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Parents University--Healthy Eating
- We eat three meals a day with one or two small snacks in between. We limit desserts (at least until the kids are in bed--Ha ha!) and try to have them only about once a week.
- Snacks are generally limited to fruit, vegetables, graham crackers or cheese sticks.
- Fruit is served with every meal, and vegetables are served with lunch and dinner.
- Everybody is expected to eat a little of everything that is served. (My kids have been raised with this rule, so now, at the ages of 4 and 3, there is no arguing about whether they like something or not. They know that they must try everything and being picky isn't allowed.) This has also been really helpful when eating at other people's houses!
- Also I generally ask that they eat their least favorite foods first. That way they get it over with and can move on to the more preferable foods.
- We have very few foods that are "off-limits" to the kids. That may sound strange, but we try to teach moderation. For examply, if you want fruit for dessert you can pretty much have as much as you want. But if you would rather have a piece of cake, then you will just have a very small piece.
- I let the boys pick out our fruits and vegetables at the store (or the farmer's market in the summer). They LOVE to be able to tell their daddy which things they picked out. It has led us to try fun new recipes too!
- My boys love to help in the kitchen too. They are more likely to want to eat things that they have helped prepare.
What do you do to help your children learn healthy eating habits? I'd love to hear your ideas!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
A horrible rabbit tale....
I've always been a fan of rabbits. Even when we used to keep a garden, I encouraged them to hang out in my yard. Who cares if they eat a few vegetables....they are just so cute!
So imagine my dismay to walk out to my backyard today only to find a dead rabbit.
Not just dead, but decapitated. Fur everywhere.
It's no secret that our cat is a hunter. She leaves moles on the back patio a few times a week as little "gifts" for us. And the occasional bird, although the bell on her collar seems to have slowed that down a bit.
This picture is not from today. I took it last week after I told Jonah to put his coat away. Elmer didn't seem to mind being a coatrack!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
daffodil fields
Bridget with her friend Daxton
Here's the whole crew of kids that were with us. Henry is orange, Jonah is sitting down and Bridget is the one in pink, of course!