"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The rantings of a lunatic.....
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bella Boo
This beautiful girl is the girl that Henry intends to marry. He talks about her ALL...THE...TIME. No joke. When he prays (at night or before meals) it always starts off with "Dear Jesus, thank you for Isabella and...." (Don't worry Andi, Lexi is always in there too!) We see her a few times a week (twice at preschool and usually at least once for a play-date and often at Sunday school) and it is never enough. At the dinner table the other day Henry told us that when he thinks about Isabella his "heart just cracks, because I love her so much!" Where does a four year old even come up with words like that?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bridget's favorite dress
Happy Thursday! Hope you have a great day!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The point where I realized that it wasn't an accident...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Pictures from the weekend...
It really was a fun weekend...Sam wasn't traveling and we really enjoyed having him around. He got to be at Henry's soccer game and church (two things I usually attend alone) and we had a date night with a new couple and we even had lunch at a friend's house after church on Sunday. Good times!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A fun game....
Here's the drill:
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play
Here's mine:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
But look closely....you'll see that Sam has crawled up into the tree (with his chainsaw!), way past the top of the ladder, to remove the top part first. That was the hardest part and once it was down the rest went pretty quickly.
Thank you Lord for keeping my husband safe in all that he does!!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just when I thought I had it all together....
At 9:27 we pulled into the parking lot, and since church starts at 9:30 we were right on time. Again, I'm patting myself on the back.
Well, I was too busy patting myself on the back for getting my family to church on time to see that my three year old wasn't wearing any shoes! Pride had reared it's ugly head.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Busy Weekend!

I LOVE living in a small town! The library here has an annual event where they bring cows and calves for kids to touch and feed. They supplied these HUGE bottles and let the kids give the calves milk--it was too cute. Henry had fun feeding a calf and petting them all. Jonah didn't want any part of feeding them, but he enjoyed petting them and running around in their trailer. Bridget thought it was really exciting. She kept grabbing handfuls of the cow's hair (or it's ears!) and then laughing very hard. By the way, the calves in the pictures above were three days old. They're pretty big, huh?

After the soccer game today we had a good friend's birthday party to attend. It was held at a great place that has a skating rink and inflatable bounce houses (some inside and some outside). Henry has been telling me all week how he COULDN'T WAIT to "skate on the ice" instead of just the carpet. The ice is, of course, the skating rink. :) We have been to this place before and Henry prefers to stick to the carpeted areas. The carpeted areas slow down the skates, making it easier for him to stay on his feet.
He did really well! After trying out "the ice" Henry decided maybe he would just stick to the carpet after all. He didn't even want to hold my hand, preferring instead to shuffling along by himself. I was so proud of that little guy!
Have I mentioned our neighbors at the new property? The people that live right next door have a whole bunch of kids. The two youngest are maybe 11 and 12. Every time we are out at the property, they come running over to talk to us and then ask if the boys can play. They are the nicest kids, and they just come over specifically to see the boys. They are always polite, and they have incredible amounts of patience with my children.
The reason I am bringing them up today is that we ran into them at the skating rink. Henry could hardly believe it when his friend Michael came skating over and said hi to him! That pretty much completed Henry's perfect day! :)
Oh, and speaking of the property....there has been progress! Check it out!
This is the wood that will make up our new home!
Have a great Sunday!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Look who found her legs!
Here's a picture of Bridget with her Granddad.
I love seeing my kids with their grandpop. I didn't ever have a chance to know either of my grandfathers--they both died when I was very young. So it is especially sweet for me to see my kids with their grandfather--and Bridget and Granddad seem to have a great bond!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sam!
Today is my wonderful, handsome, funny, cute, strong, silly, smart, sweet, caring, lovable, thoughtful and imaginative husband's birthday.
To know Sam is to love him.
Sam makes life fun! I love being married to this guy. I never know what he is going to do or say, and that is part of his charm. Sam always keeps things light-hearted and he has such a wonderful way with our kids....maybe because he is still a kid at heart!
I love you, Sam! Have a happy Birthday!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Keep your kisses to yourself, Henry!
My kids love to "love on" each other. There are always lots of hugs, kisses, tackles, pats, and other physical shows of affection at our house. The boys especially love to kiss on Bridget.
Usually, I love this.
Usually, that is a great thing.
Usually, one of my kids doesn't have strep throat and impetigo (a highly contagious blistery rash, caused by the strep throat) and I don't have to worry about sharing germs!
Hopefully things will be back to normal soon and only ONE of my children will have had this illness.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Better late than never....
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
First tooth....and last teeth
Jonah had a runny nose yesterday too (this has always been a sign of my children teething--a clear, constantly running nose). So I checked his mouth too--his last two molars are finally coming in! These are generally called the "two year molars" but Jonah's decided to wait until he was three. :)
Hooray for teeth! (And somewhere else in the city, our dentist is cheering as well!)
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
blogging rambling...
It's not that it is a secret, exactly, it's just that I haven't shared it. Or I haven't thought they would be interested. Or maybe I just like to compartmentalize my life (here are my 'real life' friends, over there are my blogging friends, and so on....).
The reasons don't matter so much. My point is that I recently told two of my friends about my blog. And they wanted to read it. One of them has even started her own blog (go, Andrea!) and the other has tried a few recipes off of my recipe blog.
So here's to going public, so to speak! :)
And a question for you who are reading this blog....Do your 'real life' friends know about your blog?