"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Update on the house....
And don't worry. The house isn't actually sitting on an angle like it appears in the picture. That is just due to my AMAZING photography skills! ;)
It seems like they are moving so quickly! I have a more recent picture (from last night) but it is still in my camera. The only difference is that they are completely finished with the brick and there is a whole load of drywall in the garage. They haven't shingled the roof yet, and they can't do the drywall until the roof is finished. I think that was supposed to get done today, but I haven't been out there to see yet.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Arkansas re-cap
We had a great time vacationing in Arkansas last week! It was really cold the first night (with no heat in our cabin!) but then warmed up a bit. Which is a good thing because after setting the carpet on fire, we didn't want to use the wood-burning stove anymore. Ha! There was great company, good food (too much!), the great outdoors, and even some shopping! Lots of fun.
During dinner (at Jon and Kelly's cabin) one night, Henry said the funniest thing. He pushed away from the table and went running across the room to the window, yelling, "HEY! I SEE A NOSE-PICKER! See it, see it? Way up in that tree! It's one of those NOSE-PICKERS!" I was laughing so hard (and trying not to let Henry see me laughing) that I fell on the floor. It was actually a red-headed WOODPECKER. :)
One day we stopped in a clothing store that was going out of business. Jonah went in the dressing room with me when I wanted to try on a cute summer dress (that didn't look quite as cute on me as it did on the hanger). There were clothes laying all over the floor and Jonah was pretty excited about it. He said, "Now I can try on clothes too!" And he did.
And then there's the story of Bass Pro Shops and the GPS. I have this great thing in my car--it's called a Garmin. I don't travel anywhere without it! It gives me directions, tells me where things are, finds the nearest park--it is amazing.
So one day, it's raining and Sam decides a fun thing to do would be to go to Bass Pro and look around. The kids always enjoy going to that kind of store and it would get us out of the cabin. So I pull out my garmin and look up Bass Pro Shop. It shows the nearest one is 30 miles away, but it says the travel time is a little over an hour. Weird. We figure, "Why not?" so we head out.
An hour and a half later we are traveling on a little deserted two lane highway in the middle of nowhere. The garmin is telling me that in 5/10 of a mile I will be at my destination. And what do we see? A dirt road leading down to a park with a pavilion and a bunch of picnic tables.
I called a family meeting by the side of the road (Kelly and the kids were riding with me and the guys were in another car following us) and we looked into the problem. After some investigation and a few phone calls, we determined the nearest Bass Pro Shop to actually be in Branson, MO.
Another hour away.
I may have lost a little bit of faith in my trusty Garmin after that little episode.
We went ahead and drove into Branson. That sure is a fun place! We didn't do much while we were there--it was already past lunch AND nap times by the time we got there. We did visit the Bass Pro and walk around on the landing and look at the fountains. Of course we got ice cream while we were there too. :)
All in all, a very fun week. What exciting things did you do this week?
Oh, and I do realize that I didn't get any pictures of Bridget into this post. I'll try to get some up of her later this week. Have a great week!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Garage Sale!
Here's the girls who had items in the sale....(Kim, why didn't we have Sam take the picture so you'd be in it too? You had the most popular cookies in the sale! I wasn't thinking--sometimes I'm an airhead....)
And here are the businessmen. Henry asked every single person who set foot in our driveway if they'd like to buy some cookies. And many of them did--he made around $15 total!
It was a lot of fun and we got rid of a lot of things!
Next week we are headed to Arkansas for a little vacation with Jon and Kelly. I'm not sure I ever posted about it, but we went last year with these two. We stayed in some cabins on a lake, owned by Kelly's family members. All the way there, we were telling the boys that we were going to Kelly's uncle's cabin. He translated that to "Cabin's House." We didn't realize that is what he was thinking until we got there and he asked, "Where is Cabin?" :) He told me yesterday that he hopes Cabin isn't there so we can stay at his house again. Ha!
Anyway, I'll be gone from blogging (no internet access? Will I make it? We'll see!) for the next little while.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mama's out there and I hope you have a great week!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Jonah's new boots
The best conversations with my kids usually start out in the van. I don't know what it is, but they seem to say the funniest things while I'm driving down the road!
This week Henry was naming body parts and telling me which letter of the alphabet they started with. He was doing great. When he got to "Arm....Ah-rrr-mmm, that starts with 'A'" Jonah piped up, "Hey! I've heard A. That's like in that song we sing!"
I said, "What song are you talking about, JoJo?
He answered (singing, of course)...."A, B, C, D, E, F, G....you know, that one!"
Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Jonah, on coloring....
Have a happy Sunday!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Another amazing feat....as performed by Sam!