7:15-8am Play silly games with brothers, especially dumping out as many baskets of toys as possible
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Monday, June 30, 2008
A day in the life of Bridget
7:15-8am Play silly games with brothers, especially dumping out as many baskets of toys as possible
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Amazing Stain Remover!

I was not happy when I saw all the ruined clothes. Surely there was no way to fix those stains.
Then, along came my good friend GOOGLE! :)
Turns out liquid dish soap is the BEST stain remover on the planet. I pre-treated each and every pinky-red stain with a generous amount of dish soap, washed the load of laundry in the washing machine again....and voila! Every single stain was gone.
It still isn't a good idea to wash and dry your tubes of chapstick. But at least now I know that it can be fixed!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good-Bye, Megan!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I love my kids!
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5
We are blessed, indeed!
Monday, June 16, 2008
This one cracks me up....
Holding it up to show me, he said, "How silly! That is Tiger Woods, but why is he white?"
Sam and his brother David
These two were like a couple of kids, daring each other and coming up with new challenges for each other. But their team dive was the best!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Today I want to celebrate the father of my children! Sam, you an amazing dad and your children adore you. You live your life as an example to the kids and they see your Godly character each and every day.
I love that you always add fun to everything you do!
I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who blesses me each and every day simply by loving our children!
Happy Father's Day, Sam!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fun at the Lake
And here is the kid's great joy:
Jumping off the railing of the dock! Who knew that could be so much fun? The boys can spend an hour just climbing up on the railing, jumping off, swimming to the ladder and doing it all over and over and over again!
Last weekend the boys had an especially good time because Ashley, Jay and Cole were there to swim with them--cousins are SO fun!
Hope you're enjoying some fun summer activites wherever YOU are! :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Picking Blueberries!
The kids and I went blueberry picking this morning--what fun! They are so yummy and we all enjoy going out and filling up our buckets.
There is a blueberry farm just up the road from our house and it's only a little over a dollar a pound to pick your own, which is MUCH better than 5-6 dollars for a tiny little container at the local grocery store!
We try to head out a few times during the (short) blueberry season and pick as many as we can and then freeze them so we have blueberries year round! Last year we only had them through maybe Thanksgiving, so I'm going to try and get more this year.
This morning we had Grammy and some cousins (Ashley, Jay and Cole) along, as well as Henry's buddies Isabella and Ian and my friend Kim. Here's the kid-crew with their berries:
Jonah always has trouble getting them into his basket--they seem to find their way into his mouth first! After an hour of picking berries, this is all that Jonah had left in his basket:
Henry and Bella didn't have that problem though! Look at those full baskets (and those cute faces, too!):
There is a brand new McDonald's near us with an indoor playland that the boys have been anxious to try out. We headed there and had a mostly unpleasant experience (for example: our order was completely messed up and the lady ROLLED HER EYES AT ME when I asked her to fix one little part of it, there was NO SOAP in the bathroom--they didn't even have a soap dispenser, someone SET OFF THE DOOR ALARM in the play area and the employees did not know how to turn it off, and so on and so on!), but despite all that Bridget had a grand time. While I was letting her explore the bench beside me, she made her way over to my leftover french fries that were on the table. She wasted no time in putting the first fry she could grab into her mouth! When she realized how good they are ("Mmmm....salt!") she quickly went for more. It's a little earlier than I would have had Bridget discover french fries, but I suppose a little treat won't hurt her! :)
For some fun blueberry recipes, head over to my cooking blog!
swimsuit season
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Getting teeth is not fun!
Bridget has been having a rough time lately....she is working on her upper two front teeth and is not enjoying the process!
This normally happy baby has been fighting tears on and off for almost two weeks now! The awful thing is that both teeth will start to show (I can see white poking through) and then they fade back into her gums. So it is a loooooooong process. Bridget will be fine, happy, content, laughing one minute and then a sobbing, crying, head-hanging mess the next minute. Poor girl.....and her poor family!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A poem by Samuel Hasz
I have more if anyone wants to see them....but be warned--this is the best of the bunch!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Henry turns 5!
We swam, took the boat out for tube rides, swam some more, ate lunch and a bunch of snacks, swam a little more and had cake. Then we talked about swimming a little more aft, but the boys were pretty wiped out after all that swimming!

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Henry. He was not quite two here.
Henry graciously broke in Elmer for us when he was two--bareback was his specialty.
This last picture is just one from the pool when Henry was three. He LOVES the water and plans to spend the entire summer swimming as much as possible!
Happy Birthday, my Henry. I love you and am so glad that I get to be your mom!