"If you smoke a cigarette, you can see heaven!" --Henry

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
He doesn't look a bit nervous, does he? I was a little sad that HE wasn't at all sad to see me leave! :)
This is our formal dining room:
It's not an exciting desk, but we needed one and I found this at a garage sale for $10! Need to freshen up in the powder room?
Here's the kitchen! My favorite room, I think! There is a low counter at the end of my kitchen counter (lower right, in the photo) that we are able to use as a desk for the computer.
And our favorite spot--the fireplace! Please notice the 19 pound Northern Pike (that Sam caught a few years ago!) and not the signed photo of Natalie Grant, which has found a new home.
This is our lovely baby gate! Bridget LOVES the stairs and has become quite proficient at going up and down them, but we still keep the gates closed for safety.
Our bedroom is downstairs as well as another bathroom and the washer/dryer. I just didn't get any great pictures of those rooms. Our bedroom shares the same wall as the living room, and we have two great big windows like the ones in that room. They all overlook the backyard, which is full of trees and birds! Stay tuned for part two of the tour--as soon as I get my camera back! :)
Thanks for joining me on the tour! Happy Monday to one and all!
(This is a neighborhood store, tucked in between a number of houses.)
And Bridget celebrated her first birthday while we were in Mexico! Sam worked out the details to surprise us with a birthday cake for her--I was so impressed. Isn't he the best? Seriously!
And I had to include the aftermath picture--Bridget was COVERED in chocolate (she thoroughly enjoyed her cake!) and the lovely Ingrid was kind enough to stick her in the sink for a quick rinse off. :)
I'm still mentally processing much of the trip. It was life-changing and gave me a new perspective on just about everything. GOD IS SO GOOD!