Bridget is a spunky little girl and usually just the happiest child I have ever seen. Lately, however, she has been having a rough time. The girl can throw a fit like nothing I've ever seen! And she manages to work at least two (often more) into every day recently. She has a sudden dislike for anything that doesn't go her way, and that can include anything from not being able to eat a banana that we haven't paid for yet to hearing that it is time to leave the library.
When something doesn't meet her approval these days, Bridget throws herself on the ground (if possible, if someone is holding her or she is in a shopping cart she tries her best to plummet herself to the ground), lies on her back and kicks her feet straight up in the air. All while SCREAMING and crying at the top of her lungs. If there is anyone or anything close enough she'll hit it repeatedly. And there is NO consoling her. I'm sure she would settle right down if I were to just go along with whatever it is she is wanting, but I refuse to give in to her terrorist tactics.
Yikes! My boys didn't prepare me for this. They threw fits every now and again, but this daily routine is quite new to me. It occurred to me yesterday that perhaps part of this is due to sleepiness, so I am on a new mission to better protect her nap time in the afternoons.
This morning Henry came into my bedroom at 6 a.m. I was still in bed and he came up beside me and said, "Mommy, can I tell you a funny story?" He proceeded to tell me that when he got up he noticed Bridget's door was open so he went in to see what she was doing, and he found her room completely empty! So he was coming down to tell me that and on his way, he found Bridget sound asleep beside a little table at the top of the stairs.
We keep a monitor of her room on (since we sleep downstairs) and Sam told me he heard her grunting a bit around 3 this morning, but she quieted down so he went back to sleep. Apparently she was just finding a more comforatable place to sleep. :)