Christmas...what a magical time of year! You might hear people say that Christmas is best when you have small children at home...but I say Christmas is best when you're married to Sam! It's his very favorite time of year, and he makes sure that everyone around him is celebrating and enjoying the most special time of the year. Sam actually listens to Christmas music year round (when he can get away with it). :)
This year we had fun decorating some Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve. In the afternoon we went to see a movie (Tangled), which was a pretty big treat since we don't go to very many movies with the kids.

Later that evening we went to the (incredibly packed) candle light Christmas Eve service at our church, then came home and visited with our neighbors over appetizers and finger foods. After they left, the kids opened up one present each (new pajamas and bathrobes!),

and settled in to read The Night Before Christmas.

The kids left some cookies out for Santa, and then in the morning they woke up to this sight...

...and this one, in our living room.

We opened some presents, took a break for breakfast (white powdered donuts for Sam, as per his tradition, and monkey bread and fruit for the kids and me), had time for some snuggling up on the couch...

and then a few big surprises showed up on the front porch. The first was for Jonah, and it was a brand new bike! He was SO excited and took off on it right away. The second was for Bridget, and it was a power wheels jeep. It was fairly cold and windy on Christmas morning, but we had a very hard time convincing Bridget to hop out of the driver's seat and come back inside.

Dave and Mary Beth came over to spend some time with us in the early afternoon. The boys are sporting new shirts here, Henry is showing off his new leatherman tool, and Jonah has new sunglasses...

Of course the Twinkie Tree bloomed again this year! And this year it was spliced with a Cupcake tree too, so of course those blossomed as well. Jo Jo and Granddad had fun picking the 'fruit' off the tree. :)

After some nice long afternoon naps, we headed out to Sam's parent's house to meet up with the whole family. Mary Beth served a lovely turkey dinner, the kids put on a play of the Christmas story...

and we had some fun exchanging gifts.

It was such a fun Christmas! This year we were so thankful to be back in our house, and we were so grateful for all of the incredible people God has put in our lives. The Lord has blessed us so abundantly! Merry Christmas...only 365 days until we can celebrate it again! ;)