I'm probably not alone in saying that this week's world events changed my prayer life and showed me even more the importance of being thankful each and every day.
"Relent, LORD! How long will it be?
Have compassion on your servants.
Have compassion on your servants.
that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days."
Psalm 90:13-14
104. Celebrating 2 1/2 months of daily (EVERY day) Bible reading
105. Rejoicing in this new habit being built into our children's lives
106. Listening to Bridget reading stories to her puppies
107. Boys racing out of the house, slamming doors in their excitement to get to Spanish class
108. Bridget's smiling face popping up over the side of my bed to ask, "Do you want to snuggle with me?"
109. Sending Morse Code messages back and forth with Henry and Jonah during the school day
110. Early morning fires that chase the chill out of the house
111. Sam arranging a babysitter for a dinner and movie night for just us
112. A cozy soft new purple throw blanket to snuggle up with on the couch
113. Keeping up with library books and having no overdue fines (a miracle!)
114. Seeing a day-old baby goat while taking care of the Miller's animals
115. Finding a pony wandering down the road all by itself
116. Said pony sticking it's nose right in my van window
117. Lunch at Sky Ranch with Sam
118. Driving up on a herd of horses that slipped out of a fence at Sky
119. More daylight each and every day...love the longer days!
120. Dinner with the Sky Ranch OA's at our house and a fun game of Pictionary
121. Pajamas washed with a sticker on the front
122. Celebrating Mary Beth's 70th birthday with a whole weekend of activities dedicated to her
123. Ann Marie back in the neighborhood
124. Ann Marie's surprise gift of a jar of honey and a big bag of incredible apples
125. Jonah's revelation about the name Spaghetti-o's (They're made of spaghetti and they're shaped like o's...I'll bet that is why they call them that!!!)
126. Bridget, unasked but looking to serve, bringing my slippers and silently sliding them onto my feet during quiet time
127. Three joyful kids, dressed in pj's and robes tumbling down the stairs to ask if they could maybe, just maybe watch Toy Story 3.
128. Jonah loaning Bridget his slippers, leaving himself with none-just because she was sad to not have any.
129. Henry's excitement at realizing Blake was home in the middle of the day...gotta love Spring Break!
130. Henry walking around with only one slipper on because he couldn't find the other one
131. Playdate at the park with a new friend and fellow homeschooling mom
131. Another day at the same park with an old friend who knows me well
132. Watching the kids play near the edge of the water and eventually stepping in and getting wet-muddy-filthy-happy.
133. Rescuing Ella's ball from the middle of the lake with a very looooong stick
134. Bridget's sweet bedtime prayers for her friends
135. A random, accidentally dialed phone call that connected me with a friend I haven't talked with in months
136. March Madness!
137. Henry's first soccer practice of the season
138. Sam put up a soccer goal in the backyard...so fun!
139. Hilarious, belly-laughing moments at the dinner table (Bridget, "He sat on the car! HAHAHA!") that aren't even really funny, but they are moments we will treasure forever.
140. Leaning over to tell Sam, "We should see that movie Bryan mentioned in church today" only to have Beth lean over from the other side a few minutes later to say, "Have you ever seen that movie? I have it if you want to borrow it!"
141. Finding 11 eggs in one nest today, and 2 guinea eggs hiding underneath the boxes
142. Best deal ever, a boxed set of Francine Rivers books (brand new!) for $2 at a garage sale
143. Second best deal ever, a bag full of cute, new socks for Bridget from that same sale for $1
144. Henry's Lego magazine finally arrived!
145. Our first tulip bloomed...and we weren't even sure they would come up this year!
Won't you join me on a journey of thankfulness??? :)