Sunday, July 30, 2006

Henry's Quilt

I finally finished Henry's quilt! I haven't really been working on this all that long, but I really wanted to get it done! And I have to say, before anyone gets too impressed...the whole middle section is a panel. I didn't quilt all the cute little trains and things onto the blanket. But isn't it cute?

I'll back up a little. The new bunkbeds that we found for the boys' room needed comforters. When I brought them home, I didn't have sheets or anything that fit them! So I quickly ran to Walmart to get sheets, but I didn't like any of their comforters. So I headed to the fabric department. And this is what came of that trip! I started it and almost finished in the week before my brother came to visit, but then I had to put it on hold.

Now, my next project will be Jonah's blanket (and then a blanket for the third bunk!), but I don't know when I'll have the energy (and child-free time!) to get his done. For now, Henry is very excited just to use his new blanket!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, the quilt turned out are so talented and I bet Henry is so excited to have his very own quilt that you made especially for him....

Beth said...

You never cease to amaze meā€”their room is going to be sooo cute!

Michelle said...

Wow- very impressive!!! You'll have to post pictures when you get the room finished.

Unknown said...

Hey! Where is the picture? It looks like your mom saw it but I don't get a picture! Lisa, I am SO proud of you and the great job you did on the quilt. It is so cute and you will enjoy it for many years to come. Like Beth says- you amaze me with your multi-faceted (is that a real word?) talents!