The boys and I were in a very little car accident today. It rained here, and when it rains in East Texas it is kind of like a small flood. The drops of water are so big they could knock a man down! We were coming home from Tyler and stopped at a red light, when all of a sudden...wham! the car jerks forward. There is so much rain coming down that I can't even see out my back window what has hit us. I pulled into a gas station that was really close and the guy who hit us did too. I got out to check for damage, and the guy in the pickup that slammed into us sat in his truck and rolled down his window. He says, "Honey, I just couldn't get enough traction to stop!" Honey? Is it okay for him to call me "honey?" I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I got his information and headed on home. No harm done, the boys and I are fine and so is the car. The part that really made me mad was that I was trying out a new way to get home, and I was trying to see if it was faster. But the accident threw me off and I never did get to figure out if it's a quicker route or not!
Too bad you couldn't post the scream! That was the best part...no really...no injuries is the best! THanks for the clean up>
"Honey" is mild, and you'll hear it alot. They also call you "Darlin'" (usually in a long, drawn out kind of way), "Sweetie", and "Sugar". I'm NOT joking. Depending on their age, they might even pat you on the arm or head.
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