Henry's current favorite book is called, "I Just Forgot." It's a cute little book with short sentences and big pictures that Henry has almost memorized so he can "read" it to me. The book is about a little boy who forgets things (like turning of the water in the bathtub, putting away his toys, etc...).
I think that this explains the entrance of that phrase into our daily lives. Just now, for example...Henry came rushing inside to use the bathroom and then went running back outside. After he shut the door behind him, I realized that I could hear water running. When I looked in the bathroom, I noticed he had forgotten to turn off the water after washing his hands! And of course when I asked him what happened he said, "Oh, Mom. I just forgot." That is just like in this book....he remembered to wash his hands, but forgot to turn off the water!
I'm always impressed by my little three year old. He does forget things (who doesn't?) but he so often remembers the important things.
what an awesome little boy you have and look at the look on his face, clearly he forgot because he's got so much to think about,so much to do and so little time to get into everything that needs to be gotten into in one day, but what can you say when he looks at you so sincerely...love mom
What a cutie! I notice that water left running thing lots when the Smith kids are here...they just forget!
Boy he looks like Sam in that picture!
Yesterday, Cole gave me a hug first thing in the morning and said,"I'm going to Aunt Amy's today." I said,"You are?" Cole replied, "Yes, she said I could come over ANYTIME to play on their trampoline!"
If it's any consolation, he confuses his Aunt Debbie with his Aunt Vicki, too!
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