This week we've seen some amazing changes in Henry. It's a lot of what we've been working for.....trying to instill a sense of personal responsibility (what I do affects others), manners, respect for others and property, etc.
All of a sudden, Henry gets it. We don't have to remind him to cover his mouth when he coughs. He says please, thank you, and even bless you after someone sneezes. He'll give Jonah whatever he wants to make him happy (not a great habit, I know!), and then give him a hug and tell him he loves him. When he's given direction, he says, "yes, sir" or "yes, ma'am" without prompting, and then does what he was asked to do. He asks if he can help when I'm cleaning things up and wants to have his own chores, like setting the table.
Now I don't want to sound like our work is done, Henry's not perfect. He's still a three year old!I just want to share how much Henry has accomplished recently! We can really tell how hard he is trying to be obedient and how much he wants to please us. He is such a sweet boy!
The really strange part of all of this? It makes me very emotional! These are all things we have been working on and to see Henry's character taking shape.....it gives me glimpses into the kind of man he will one day be. My baby is growing up! Good thing we have a while before the first day of school, because I don't think I would be able to handle it right now!
What a sweetheart! You and Sam are doing such a good job of parenting and it is rewarding to see some of those things actually take root isn't it? Keep up the good work! Remember to look back and read this blog on days when you think you are making no progress. We love you! Can you please resend me the last e-mail you sent me? I'm on the laptop and can't get to my e-mails on my desktop. Thanks
Such a little sweetie! True . . . they're off to school before you know it!
You're right it's very emotional to see them growing up so fast, enjoy every minute of it...you guys are doing a great job and should be very proud of your family, I know that I'm very proud of you and what good parents you and Sam are. love mom
THREE??? Tho Emily has always been a sweet girl, it took her much longer to get to that place...and some days we still struggle! You really ARE super mom.
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