My mom and brother were here for a visit last week. The boys had SO much fun with them and we got to do so much in a short amount of time. We visited the Dallas Zoo, numerous parks, the rose garden, the science center, the Tyler zoo, the pumpkin patch and Henry's favorite--McDonald's (twice!). They both went home on Thursday, and my boys are still recovering and catching up on lost sleep! :)
It's tough to live so far from my family. I miss my mom, and talking on the phone just isn't the same! Also, for most of my life, I've lived very near my brother and I'm still getting used to not seeing him every few days. He's going through a hard time right now, and I'd love to be close enough to help. For now, I can just pray and know that God is in control! Which is really the most help I can offer him anyway.
It was really great to see the boys with Grandma and Uncle B. Henry and my mom have always had a special bond (first grandchild!), and this visit she and Jonah really hit it off too. Jonah is a child of few words, but he did start saying "Grandma" in a very short period of time!
I am so thankful that the Lord has surrounded me with such wonderful family!