Some things I've learned living in East Texas:
1. If you mow the lawn wearing sandals, the fire ants WILL bite your feet.
2. Don't try to fit in. They know you're not local.
3. If you are in a hurry, forget about it.
4. If your children aren't careful, they will have fire ant-bites in strange and scary places.
5. There's more than just a geographical difference between "Texas" and "East Texas." And quite a bit of pride.
6. Anything can and will be deep fried.
7. Red dirt will cover every surface of your home. Don't fight it.
8. You will be frowned on if you get up before the sun rises.
9. Y'all really is a word, and "Ma'am" (with the right inflection and drawl) can constitute an entire sentence or question.
10. Texans are the friendliest folks in the world!
You nailed it—if I didn't now better I would think you were a local! :)
Thanks for brining back Texas memories for me:-) The red dirt was my "favorite" part about living there. And the scorpions that lived in my house. I'll never forget when Bo was bitten by one. Fun Texas times :-)
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