Henry and I decorated the Christmas tree this week. While I was busily making sure that the ornaments were evenly dispersed throughout the tree, Henry was busily hanging as many ornaments as possible on a single branch. Here for your viewing pleasure is an example of his best branch (11 ornaments on one tiny little branch! Impressive, huh?),

and an example of the area just to the right of where Henry was decorating. I suggested putting some ornaments over on this side, but Henry said, "No, mama. I still need to put more here!"
Oh Henry, of course you do!
PS: I did redecorate the tree after he went to bed. I'm not a perfectionist by nature, but I really couldn't handle it! And of course the first thing he noticed when he got up was, "Heeeeyyyyy! You moved all the ornaments!"
I love the way Henry decorated the tree....I bet the boys are very excited about Christmas this year, they're at such a fun age....
His "area" looked really pretty! :)
What a beautiful family! I just came across your blog today,and really enjoyed it. being a mother really is one of the greatest joys there is. Please pop by my blog some time and meet my boy Jaocb!
This is TOO funny. I love the photo of the entire tree. What a great thing to remember when he is off on his own one day.
I, too, rearrange the Christmas tree ornaments after my kids go to bed. But this is because I have control issues:-)
Oh that is too cute. The same thing happened when I let Abby and Brian decorate the little trees under the elk...they noticed immediately the next time that I had moved some of the ornaments...however, they were not able to get NEARLY as many in one place as Henry did. Aren't kids the best!
Gotta love it! Isn't funny how they notice if you move their handy work :) My kids would always put their stuff in the weirdest places and I would always try to sneak in and move it over on the tree. They always noticed. They finally gave up and began calling it "mom's tree". I think I have the same issues as Michelle :(
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