Apparently, I've been tagged to post 5 things that most people don't know about me. Thanks Ginger and Kelly! I'm not sure that I have anything interesting to put on here that most people wouldn't already know....but I guess there really isn't much pressure since not very many people actually read this! :)
1. I am an ice cream addict. My fix is dairy queen blizzards. After seven years, I've even gotten my husband hooked! More often than I care to admit, we get the boys put to bed and then play rock-paper-scissors to decide who is going to make the DQ run! This way I don't feel guilty--my kids have no idea! :)
2. I really love the comics page of the newspaper. Every single morning, I read the paper, and I always save the funny pages for last! It's a great way to start the day!
3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to sing! In the car, in the kitchen, in the shower, in the grocery store (yes, I got caught singing under my breath at the grocery store yesterday--very embarassing!). Fortunately for me, my boys don't seem to mind too much. (They are the only ones who get to hear my -ahem-
lovely singing voice!) When I was little, I used to crank my radio up and sing and dance until I was dizzy. Well actually, I still do.
4. "To Kill a Mockingbird" is my very favorite book. I was pretty young when I read it the first time, and I just became enamored with it. I think I have read that book 20 times. It's the only novel that I can think of that I have read more than once. Now that I think of it, I went through a "Count of Monte Cristo" phase too, so I guess I've read other books more than once. I just love to read!
5. I've run out of things to say about myself. I'm quite a boring person really. This last one, most people already know about me, but it's all I can think of..... I love to feed people! I don't know why. I like to bake and I enjoy cooking.
So there you have it. I guess now I get to tag someone else? I choose MaryBeth and Mary (Yes, that's you, mom. You'll have to start a blog now! I can't wait!). Have a great day everyone!