When Henry was a baby, he HATED to be cold. When we would give him a bath as an infant, we had to microwave his towels so they were nice and toasty or he would scream. Even early on as a toddler, he REFUSED to get wet if the water was anything but hot. Hot tubs were okay, lakes were not. In the winter when it snowed, we were so excited to take Henry out to play. He didn't enjoy a moment of it. We took him sledding, out for walks, in the yard to make snowballs and snowmen, all sorts of fun activities. Henry would tolerate it all, but he really only liked the hot chocolate afterwards.
So, all this to say, my boy was meant to be a Texan! We went to the park this week and it was sunny and 70 degrees! I've said it before (too many times, I'm sure!) but I can't believe how wonderful the weather is here!
I was talking with Lindsey on the webcam the other day and she walked outside just to show me the sun shining. She was in her short sleeved shirt and bare feet. Now that we were there last month I can believe how warm it is and I'm jealous :) I want snow for Christmas, but then it can leave for one whole year. How fun to be outside with your boys and not have to bundle them up.
I bet Henry is absolutely loving the fact that it's not cold, I bet it seems pretty strange to have such warm weather in December.
Henry takes after his Auntie Beth! :)
Henry takes after his Auntie Beth! :)
Just today we were saying, how nice to have lunch outside on DEc. 28th...72 degrees! Yes, I think I, too, was meant to be a Texan.
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