turns 2 years old tomorrow!
I never dreamed that having two little boys could be so fun! Anyone who has read my previous blogs knows that Jonah is sweet natured, loves everyone and everything, prefers sugar over anything else and is a lovable little Mommy's boy. I am so blessed to have him in my life--the last two years have been so filled with joy!
Our little "Bear" (his favorite nickname) is spending his first night in a big boy bed tonight. We didn't mean for it to coincide with his birthday, necessarily, but that is just how it worked out. We've tried having him sleep in a big bed before tonight, and the results haven't been the greatest. However, this weekend Jonah showed us that he knows how to climb out of his crib, so today the crib went away. Right now he has been in there for about an hour and a half and we've had to put him back in his bed about 10 times. But I'm listening on the monitor, and it sounds as though maybe he has finally fallen asleep! Yay! GO JONAH!
Happy Birthday Jonah! I hope your mom can make better cakes than I can :-)
I just love his nickname- what a cutie!
Happy Birthday to the cutest little bear I know....I'm so proud of him sleeping in his big boy bed tonight, I hope he has a great first night in it. I can't believe that he's two already, it seems like we were all just living in Montana and you just had him. Time really does seem to go fast as we get a little older. I'm so happy that you're getting this time to stay home and have this great time with both your boys while they're young. I love you guys and will talk to you soon. mom..
Happy Birthday little Bear! Isn't the transition out of the crib emotional? Usually my kids graduated out of necessity as another was on the way and would be taking their place.
We put up a very low to the ground (half of a bunk) bed in their room with the crib for about the last two months. I started by laying them down for naps on the "big bed" because it was much easier to monitor when I wasn't exhausted myself. Within that time they were more than ready to move into the big bed permenatley. It worked with each of them.
Good luck!
Happy Birthday, Joe Bear!
Isn't 2 such a fun age?...loving it with Tori (although we haven't tried the big-bed thing yet).
I bet Beth would have some great tips about staying in the big bed. I vaguely recall some argous attempts with Ashley.
Happy Birthday to your little bear. My little monkey turned four on Monday.
Oh, yeah!! Happy Birthday, Jonah!!
Such a big milestone..such a fun age. Have fun celebrating and don't forget to give his daddy some cake. I hear he is having a rough time these days :)
Happy Birthday to your precious little bear!
Okay I just heard your "sister-in-law" was in an accident but is okay. My mind is racing...which one? Beth, Kelly....I know there are others that I don't know personally. Is everything okay?
BTW, it was SHonna Flickinger that told me..she said you guys do mops together. If you get chance get to know her she is GREAT. One of my dearest and funnest (not a word but it works) friends.
Hi Lisa - my name is Janette, I'm a friend of Kelly's (we adopted together). I'm worried about her, will you please email me at melde4@msn.com to update me on her condition. Thank you - Janette
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