"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Full Moon
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
This can't be good....
I innocently answer and find it's a friend who wants to chat for a minute.
No problem, the boys are playing in the play room, right?
I wander that way just to make sure.
On the way I hear the toilet flush, followed by hysterical laughter.
I try to politely get off the phone.
The toilet flushes again, followed by even more hysterical laughter.
Forget manners, I'm off the phone.
Bathroom door is locked. More laughing behind closed doors.
Henry greets me after unlocking the doors. He's holding two whistles on strings. They're dripping wet.
Jonah is naked and standing by the toilet screaming, "Do it again, Henry!"
This really can't be a good thing!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
New Haircut
Okay, so there's a new link for adding videos--I thought I would try it out tonight. I have a cute little clip of Jonah singing the alphabet song and twinkle, twinkle. But it seems as though it is REALLLLLLLY slow to upload. I was waiting for about 5 minutes to upload a less than two minute video. I don't know what the terms are, but the little bar at the bottom said it was at 2m of 93m, and I don't have the patience to wait that long! Maybe some other time.
So instead of a fun video clip, I suppose I'll share my new haircut with y'all!
Here's the 'before', taken just this morning:
And here's the 'after,' as I walked in the door from getting it cut:
I decided it was time for something new, but I wasn't prepared to see 7 inches or so of hair falling to the floor! :) It was a little scary. But I have always loved having short hair, so I definitely love it!
Friday, August 24, 2007
The end of an era....
You don't want to know how often Jonah walks around like this. He used to just take his pants and underwear off after going potty (and leave them off) but I told him it's important to keep them on. So now he just doesn't bother to pull them back up. Wouldn't you think it would bug him walking around like this? Clearly it doesn't!
And here's my soccer star. He had practice last night with the other kids from his team. It was a riot! Sam and I sat on a picnic blanket and watched as seven little kids ran around in circles and occasionally kicked the ball!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
This week, Henry will have his first soccer practice--without his brother. In two weeks, Henry is starting preschool (two days a week)--without his brother. That same week Awana starts back up, and Jonah isn't old enough for that yet either.
I'm sad for Jonah! I don't think he truly realizes that he and Henry are almost two years apart in age--in his mind they are equals. So I'm sure he is going to feel left out. I know that his relationship with Bridget will eventually grow stronger as they have more time together, but right now she's too little to hold his interest. He's such a tender-hearted little boy, and I just want to protect him from everything--including hurt feelings!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
For those in the market for diapers....

Free Shipping for orders over $50.00
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bridget's first bath and photo shoot!
Henry took a picture of mommy and Bridget together. Guess we need to work on not cutting off heads, huh? I like it anyway--it almost looks like Bridget is smiling! :)
My mom sent us a dress that I had worn as a newborn. She was afraid that it might already be too small, and it was close! But we got some pictures of it today--I think she looks like a little doll! The bonnet was a gift from Sam's mom. Isn't it cute?
So dressing up a little girl really does feel like I'm playing with dolls. I LOVED my dolls as a little girl, so this is a very fun time for me! I wouldn't have thought that having a girl would be so different from having boys, but it certainly is!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Serious....and not so serious!
Bridget wore a casual sun-dress. I don't have any fancy dresses in newborn size, and I just couldn't see buying something that she would outgrow before another opportunity to dress up comes along! She spent the first part of the evening sleeping in Auntie Beth's arms and then the rest of the evening tucked under the table--it was pretty cozy for her!
And here's the boys--need I say more?
Sam brought these home for the boys--they think it's hilarious! (Actually, so do I!)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Gotta love free stuff!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
New pictures!
So far this baby is such an easy, lovable, snuggly little one! Bridget is sleeping well and she just always seems happy and content when she is awake. God is so great! Bridget is exactly what we prayed for and asked for--such an incredible blessing!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
And here she is!

The best two big brothers a girl could ask for!

Bridget arrived pretty quickly, so she was still looking a little blue at this point!

Henry holding his new baby sister at home. He REALLY loves his little sister. Sam and I can't believe how mature and responsible he has been acting today. . . . we are so proud of him!

Sorry....no pictures yet!
Bridget Mary Hasz
7 lbs 6 oz
18 1/2 inches long
The Lord blessed us with a BEAUTIFUL little girl! She has a full head of dark brown hair, super long fingers (with nails that already need trimmed!) and a very sweet disposition.
The two big brothers are already in love with her. They think she's pretty cool! I am sorry to report that the nickname "Fish" that was bestowed on her by Henry in utero has not been forgotten yet. But she sure is a cute little fish! :)
Mommy is recovering well--we're home from the hospital and everyone is feeling great!
I'll post pictures when I find time to get them from the camera into the computer! Until then, my wonderful sister-in-law Beth has put one up on her blog site for us!