I've had a digital camera for four years now--we decided we needed one soon after Henry was born. It has changed the way I take pictures! Well, recently we've noticed that our camera isn't as great as it once seemed. I figured that it still takes pictures, so it wasn't really important to replace it until it really gave up on me.
My wonderful husband decided otherwise! He surprised me this morning with a brand new Canon Elph digital camera! I am SO EXCITED!!! It looks so great. I'm currently waiting for the battery to charge up so that I can play with my new "toy" and see just how cool it really is!
I'm posting some of the pictures from my old camera today, and hopefully tomorrow (or so) I'll be able to post some great new pictures--and maybe even a video--my new camera even does that too!
Here's my sweet girl in her usual sleeping position--arms up!
You don't want to know how often Jonah walks around like this. He used to just take his pants and underwear off after going potty (and leave them off) but I told him it's important to keep them on. So now he just doesn't bother to pull them back up. Wouldn't you think it would bug him walking around like this? Clearly it doesn't!
And here's my soccer star. He had practice last night with the other kids from his team. It was a riot! Sam and I sat on a picnic blanket and watched as seven little kids ran around in circles and occasionally kicked the ball!
Congrats on the new camera. Isn't it fun getting new toys? Love the pic's. Your daughter sleeps just like mine. So, cute. And your son is just like my older daughter. She takes off her pants and undies all the way when she goes, too. I think it's funny that he keeps them around his ankles now. Very cute!
Your daughter is just a little cutie!
hurray for you. hurray for a great hubby.
that is one fine looking little girl! i can't get over her dark skin and hair. too adoreable!
1st, I totally missed your last post, sorry. I love the green room! I know just what you mean as Linds and Lee were just like that and still are. Bless the boys little hearts.
We looked at that camera for Jen, it's awesome. We bought her a Canon almost like it. Too cool, you'll love it! A video! A blog video? Yes!
The photos are great as always! I love the soccer picture. We have a soccer field right outside our front door. We love watching the little ones each season. It's hilarious! I will be thinking of Henry this year when I see all the little boys :)
What fun pictures! My kids all slept like that too when they were really little—must be in the genes package. : )
I love the picture of your daughter sleeping...precious!
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