This is what happens when you're snuggling on the couch and your oldest says, "Let's take a family picture!" and you hold out the camera and snap a quick shot while covering up the flash with your thumb. I kinda like it!
It's Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend! Not that anything exciting is going on this weekend, I'm just wanting the down time with family. Christmas break was so nice and relaxing and this week was back to schedules and appointments and busyness, so I guess I'm just looking to sloooooow down a little bit. :)
too bad peanut isn't in it, or it would be perfect!
Same thoughts as HJ. Very cool!
I'm so glad it's the weekend, too!
Now you can BOTH relax! Have a fun weekend.
I was excited about Friday being here too.(the weather was also perfect)
Now I'm really sad that Monday is tomorrow:(
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