My mom and Jim had a weekend off a few weeks back. That's a rare treat for them and they were gracious enough to fly to Texas and spend it with us! We had a lot of fun and the kids loved getting to spend time with their Grandma (formerly known as Grandma from Washington, but more recently known as Grandma from Arizona--very confusing for the boys!).
Bridget enjoyed showing off our kittens (who have since left to go to their new homes). She would get my mom to follow her and then head out to the shop, saying, "Kitties! Cuuuute."
Henry was finishing up his time at Grandkids Camp (more to come on that later!), so Jonah and Bridget got a little one-on-one time with them first, which was nice. They arrived on Friday afternoon and Sam took Jim golfing right away. My mom and I visited a while and then loaded the two kids up to drive out to the lake and visit with Henry at GKC. He played it cool and tried not to act too excited to see us, but he was pretty thrilled. :) It was adorable--he was trying hard not to smile(There were lots of older cousins to impress, you know!), but he just couldn't hold it in.
Saturday morning we spent out at the lake. It was Henry's last day at Grandkids Camp and they put on a great program and served us a wonderful lasagna lunch. We actually came early and swam a bit while the kids finished up their preparations for the program.
Mom and Jim were both goaded into jumping off the railing with Jonah. Jonah just recently started jumping off of there (a few weeks ago he would only jump from the side of the dock) and was feeling brave, so he had to show off a bit. :)
There was some sort of 'shark' in the water that day too. See it there behind them?
We came home and let the kids have naps, but then Sam was itching to get out and DO something. So we went and saw a movie (Up) and enjoyed it quite a bit. Although the best part may have been the 3-D glasses. :)
The boys rocked their glasses . . . .
. . . . and so did the girls! :)
After the movie we headed to Taco Bueno (mmmm!) for dinner and then stopped by Andy's for ice cream. It was a really fun night!

Sunday we all went to church together and then had lunch at home and hung out for a while until it was time for Mom and Jim to head to the airport.

It was such a blessing to have them here to spend some quality time with Sam and I and the kids, and we can't wait to see them again!
Thanks, guys. We appreciate you making the trip out here! :)
1 comment:
Isn't that sweet.... Sam has a blankie!
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