This is a story of two brothers, Chad and Ryan. Raised in a Christian home, as adults they both truly lived out their faith in Jesus Christ. Each was married with a wonderful wife and sweet little children (Chad-two kids, Ryan-three).
Chad suffered from liver disease and was lately in the final stages of the disease. Ryan was his perfectly healthy younger brother.
Chad was placed on the list for organ donation and Ryan selflessly offered part of his own liver to save his brother's life.
Surgeries were scheduled for the morning of July 29. Chad's diseased liver was to be removed completely. 60% of Ryan's liver was to be removed from him and given to his brother.
On the evening of July 28th, the families gathered together at Chad's house to pray, laugh and share communion together. The next morning they headed in to the hospital early to get started.
All went seemingly well with the surgeries.
Chad's body immediately accepted his brother's liver and started the healing process. Color came back into Chad's face and by the next day he was already up and walking around the hospital.
Ryan's body was weary after the surgery. He was in pain (which was considered normal, given the surgery he had just undergone) and had trouble sleeping.
Sometime during the night of July 31, Ryan went "code blue" and had to be resuscitated. He spent the next days on life support while doctors tried to determine if he still exhibited any brain activity and the family rallied around and called for prayer support.
Ryan was removed from life-support on the evening of August 2, 2010.
John 15:13 says, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
I don't know that I've ever seen a more clear example of this passage (with the exception of Jesus himself) lived out on Earth.
(This is a picture of Ryan.)

Chad is a good friend of ours. He held Sam up during a particularly difficult time in his life and spent time at our house while doing some contract work here in Texas. He is very dear to our family.
Will you join us in prayer for Chad and his family? He has just lost his brother in a most tragic way, and yet still must find the courage to continue healing and LIVING. Please pray for Ryan's wife Shannon and their three kids as they navigate a life drastically changed by Ryan's sacrificial gift to his brother. Also their parents, siblings, and other family members who are all dealing with the loss of a loved one.
(This is Chad with our son Jonah.)

Chad asked the following to be posted on the
caring bridge website after the surgery:
God made my life completewhen I placed all the pieces before Him.When I got my act together,He gave me a fresh start.Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted.Every day I review the ways He works;I try not to miss a trick.I feel put back together,and I'm watching my step.God rewrote the text of my lifewhen I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.- Psam 118, MSG