We just love the fall in East Texas. The weather is perfect, the trees are beautiful and we spend a LOT of time outside enjoying God's creation.
In the last few weeks, we have carved/and painted pumpkins:
trunk-or-treated with friends from church:
visited the zoo (which we avoid all summer because when it's too hot the animals are inactive):
practiced hunting in the backyard:
and Henry went hunting for real with his Dad and Grandpop:
We've also spent time at a local nature preserve, played at the science museum, visited a pumpkin patch, played at various parks around the area, explored the rose garden, and much, much more! :)
trunk-or-treated with friends from church:
We've also spent time at a local nature preserve, played at the science museum, visited a pumpkin patch, played at various parks around the area, explored the rose garden, and much, much more! :)
isn't fall fantastic? we kind of are past our fall now...although ours was amazingly warm up until recently! it really is one of my favorite times of year.
such cute hunters!
Those are such great pictures! I love the camo one and Bridget in her mask, so cute!
Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
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