Bridget and Jonah are the egg-gatherers at our house. They have worked out a system between the two of them...Jonah usually carries the scraps bowl out of the kitchen, and he is in charge of manning the gate (to make sure no chickens are left outside of the coop and also to shut it when they are done). Once they get out there, Bridget gets to throw out the food, and they both collect the eggs. Then, since Jonah has to lock up the gate, Bridget carries the eggs into the kitchen and puts them on the counter.
Sometimes she carries them in the bowl, sometimes in her hands.
Sometimes she carries them in the bowl, sometimes in her hands.

Proverbs 31:17 "She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks."
She's such a cutie!
That verse fits remarkably well!!! What a great lesson by simply gathering eggs.
PS - the backward dress zipped up to her neck is still pretty cute! :)
such a great lesson learned = helpfulness and doing a good job. working hard at something... and with joy! Your kids are such jewels!!
So precious and priceless too.
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