Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas time!

We didn't exactly have a "white Christmas," but it did cool down enough that we were able to have a fire burning all day long on Christmas day. It definitely set the mood!

(There was supposed to be a cute picture here with Sam and Jonah warming up in front of the fire, but blogger is feeling a little temperamental this morning. Sorry!)

Opening presents with small children is just the best thing in the world! We had so much fun. We are actually in the midst of a never-ending Christmas. The boys were totally overloaded after a fun Christmas Eve day spent at their grandparents house with all of their cousins. So Christmas day was pretty lazy for us (we all slept in-I don't think that has ever happened!). We opened presents in the morning, and that took a long time. We didn't ever get around to opening stockings (I know, how does that even happen?) and they are still hanging up, waiting. The boys have some more presents that they'll open on Thursday, and then in a week and a half my mom and brother will be here. So we'll celebrate Christmas all over again with them!

Henry just keeps saying, "I'm so glad it's Christmas-time!"


Heidi Jo Comes said...

I sometimes what Christmas was like before my kids. It is such a gift to see the wonder in their eyes. This year when we attended Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve the kids and I went up to the manger scene and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus after everyone else was leaving. It was so magical!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great to me. We've had a houseful. Everythings a mess, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Alfred left for Thailand so Alicia is kinda sad :( It's great being with Linds and Beto...speaking of which, it's time to hit the road and do some family fun :)

mary said...

it sounds like a great Christmas,the boys must have had so much fun with all the kids and gifts. I'm so glad you have so much family there with you, it was really strange this year to not see any of you during the holidays. I'm looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

Kim said...

It is so refreshing to hear your positive spin on the holidays. I have had a hard time getting into the 'spirit' so this helps me change my perspective. THanks

Unknown said...

Christmas has been wonderful this year. Thanks so much for all the time you have shared yourselves with us. WE are so blessed.