Wednesday, February 21, 2007


After reading some recent things on the internet about blog safety, Sam and I have been talking about this blog and it's contents (mostly regarding pictures of the kids and personal information) and we feel okay about most of it; however, we have decided that having our last name on here may not be the best idea. Those of you who know us already know our last name anyway, right? :)

So if you've found your way here, please note the new web address (which is the name of our pets, in case you're curious!

Have a great day!


sam said...

chalk me up for anther blizzard! To the man who knows everything, I am totally excited to be getting another blizzard. Wake me up when you get it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Lisa. I'm glad you explained the new name, too. I was afraid that was your nicknames for the boys, haha. Around here we have had so many names for the girls over the years. Time will tell if "Me and the Boys" will remain your blog title. Three of a kind is awful nice, but you know I like girls, too. Love to all of you and praying you are on the mend.

happy idiot said...

darn, does this mean you won't be posting your credit card information? i could use some new clothes.

Just Mom said...

I found you!

Yes, for security reasons I don't post my last name, nor the city in which I live, on my blog. Most already know where I live. Ginger is the only non-South Dakotan who knows my last name and e-mail address -- and will keep it secret, right? ;-)

Unknown said...

I think this is a wise move...thanks for your update...see you soon.

Lori said...

I do the same thing as you. My husband didn't want our last name, town nor anything like that posted out there.