Tuesday, April 03, 2007

One way or another.....

I have a Dyson vacuum (http://dyson.com) which I LOVE, but it's giving me trouble lately. I haven't had it long, so I have been planning on returning/exchanging it at the store where I bought it.
But after reading Ginger's post tonight about the 5 minutes for mom Dyson slim vacuum giveaway (http://www.5minutesformom.com/1343/dyson/), I think I'd better wait and see if they're going to send me a free one first! :) One way or another, I'm getting a new vacuum!
The contest ends tomorrow, so you can still sign up too! Good luck....but I really hope I win!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, for no other reason you should win for best picture!

michelle said...

I should sign up and if I win I'll give it to you!

Shanygne said...

Of course I find out about this just a little too late!! But if I can't have it, then I hope it goes to someone I know! That's just about as good!

Just Mom said...

I don't know, Lisa... that purple one is pretty cute.