Thursday, April 05, 2007

Things you don't EVER want to hear . . . .

"Umm, Mommy? There's a poopy on the floor in our room."

'Nuff said.


michelle said...

Oh I am sorry that is a rough one. Mine is "Mom, Tori pooped in the tub." And then all 3 kids have to get from the tub to the shower to make sure of no poop residue.

Oh the life! :-)

Anonymous said...

Was it better when no one could talk and you just found it by stepping on it? Like Michelle said, "Oh the Life!"

mary said...

That's always an interesting thing to hear, kind of funny from my perspective, probably not so much from yours as you're headed in to find it...hope you had a great day.

Momma Roar said...

oh no :(

kddub said...

ha ha ha!!!! My sons have called me from the bathroom to tell me they'd pooped in the tub... oh no....

kddub said...

my friend's daughter (who is 3) just recently pooped under her swing set in the back yard. They have no idea why...

Kimmy said...

I'm SO giggling right now! Yes... it's so true. Not a good one to hear... ~ Kim

Shanygne said...

When are you due?? How are you feeling? I jsut entered my last trimester...and realized I'M SO NOT READY FOR THIS!!!

~ Amy ~ said...

LOL!!! That's a funny one! I hope you wore rubber gloves!