Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Any guesses what these two things have in common?


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Is he trying or is it a success story!

Lisa H said...

Okay, I'll give a little more!

This isn't a success story yet, it is what we're doing today! Jonah is just shy of 2 1/2 and he decided this morning that he's ready to potty train. We use a book called "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day" and it worked really well with Henry. So far, Jonah has taken really well to it! He has had a few accidents (which is to be expected) but mostly he is remembering to go! :) I'll post more when we've gotten a little further!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

oh lisa what excitment! i never successfully got any of the kids to use a real potty chair. just the big one with a special seat on it.

can't wait to hear how it goes!

Shanygne said...

They are both wearing Green and Blue? They are both in your house?

I need to get that book... we have decided to wait until we move to try, but with Jordan and Jonah doing it, I am feeling tempted!!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Jonah! Do you have one of those other cool potties like Jordan...it's weird looking, but you can take it everywhere according to Kelly :/