Monday, August 27, 2007

This can't be good....

The phone rings.

I innocently answer and find it's a friend who wants to chat for a minute.

No problem, the boys are playing in the play room, right?

I wander that way just to make sure.

On the way I hear the toilet flush, followed by hysterical laughter.

I try to politely get off the phone.

The toilet flushes again, followed by even more hysterical laughter.

Forget manners, I'm off the phone.

Bathroom door is locked. More laughing behind closed doors.

Henry greets me after unlocking the doors. He's holding two whistles on strings. They're dripping wet.

Jonah is naked and standing by the toilet screaming, "Do it again, Henry!"

This really can't be a good thing!


Heidi Jo Comes said...

oh my lordy...what were they doing? gotta love boys!!

Anonymous said...

Did you get a confession?

Tamara B. said...

Oh, my! I'm afraid to ask what they were up to. But, it's kinda like a car wreck, you don't want to look but you do anyway...So, what were they doing? :0)

Lisa H said...

I wish I could say that I figured out what they were doing, but unfortunately I can't! Henry insisted on telling me that the whistles got wet 'outside' even though he hadn't been outside yet this morning. I suspect they were flushing the whistles down but holding on to the strings so they didn't go all the way down. I did forget to mention there was quite a bit of water on the floor too!

Beth said...

Too funny . . . this is just the beginning! : )

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad it had nothing to do with pennies...sorry, I couldn't resist. That's still my favorite! I just told Dave about what they were doing today and reminded him about the pennies and we both sat and laughed. We will make great grandparents someday, hehe.

Unknown said...

I'm so curious! What WERE they doing???? Sounds like fun...maybe we should try it!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Oh the trouble that little boys can get into!

Grace said...

That's too funny! I wonder what they were doing that was so fun!!!

Just Mom said...

BAH hahahaha....

Oh, thanks for the laugh.

Kimmy said...

hysterical! oh my... what boys can do... I guess it could have been much much worse... ~ Kim

sam said...

Okay, I finally made it here. That is really the best worded blog I have read this month. Okay it's the only one I have read, but Russ thought it was really funny too.