Friday, September 14, 2007


Sometimes it's hard to be the mom. There is no break from the cooking, cleaning, fixing, doctoring, refereeing, comforting, snuggling, disciplining and entertaining. There are times it feels like I've given all that I have and it's just not enough.

I don't have anything eloquent to say. Some days are tougher than others--I guess this is a rough one. So I'm just sharing some pictures of the wonderful kids who truly make it all worth while!


Heidi Jo Comes said...


that is the best post you've ever written. (in my opinion) because it made me want to jump through my screen...hug you and those gorgeous kids.

it's tough like that somedays isn't it? and it's even tougher when you feel guilty for admitting that it is TOUGH!

the perspective is what it is all about. those three faces is what it is all about. and thank God, He provides enough to get us through each day.

so cyber hugs to you today. ((X))

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Oh I bet those smiles make you smile too! Such cute kids you have!

Tracy said...

Cute, cute children! Sorry you are having a tough day.

Anonymous said...

Which one can I come hold and love on for you? You know I would in a heart beat. Love you Lisa! Your the best mom.

I love those little faces! Bridget is getting so big and wow does she look like Henry :) Sweet little fish..

Beth said...

Man oh man, does she look like Henry!!

So sorry you're having a rough day . . . being a mom is hard work—and with each new addition the responsibilities mount . . . but it's the best job in the world! And YOU are a GREAT mom.

Tamara B. said...

I'm sorry to see you are having a tough day. I think we all have days like that. When I do, I like to go into the girls' rooms after they fall asleep and they are so peaceful, that's when I really know why I'm a mom. Just remember, it will get better, just hang in there and make sure to carve out some "you" time when you can.

kddub said...

Those are precious children! I know how you feel.

Teresa said...

Saying a prayer for you today, Lisa. I know those hard days and understand your frustrations. Our children are such a blessing and he has given us a very important job in raising them. You are a great mom and your kids are blessed!
Thanks for sharing those precious smiles with us!

Grace said...

Your children are precious!

Sorry you were having a rough day! I have some of those days, too. Not as much now that my oldest is in I find myself missing those crazy days!

Great pictures. Bridget looks a lot like Henry...what do you think?