Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Okay, what I actually realized when I sat down to write this post is that what I really love is the changing of the seasons. (Did I just say that I love change???) At different times during the year I'll claim every season as "my favorite." Am I fickle? Probably. But I can accept that.

This is my fall table setting. My mom sent the flowers in the center the same day I pulled out my fall table cloth!

Anyway, for now, I just love the fall! Here's a few reasons:

  • The cool, crisp air, especially in the mornings
  • Beautifully colored leaves on the formerly all-green trees
  • It's back-to-school time
  • I always find more time for reading in the fall
  • Pumpkins! And Jack-O-Lanterns! And visiting pumpkin patches!
  • It's more fun to bake yummy goodies in the fall
  • Digging out all my sweaters and sweatshirts and jeans that I haven't worn all summer
  • Hay rides
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!

Here's the boys enjoying a hay ride! (They like the fall too. Gives them a chance to wear their cowboys boots again!)

The boys got to watch the Charlie Brown great pumpkin movie outside at a friend's house last week! It was too fun. Now I'm sure they'll want to watch all their movies outside!

"The Boys" at the pumpkin patch

and "The Girls."

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful season!


Just Mom said...

"Digging out all my sweaters and sweatshirts and jeans that I haven't worn all summer."

YES! :-D

L-O-V-E the photos at the pumpkin patch.

Anonymous said...

I saw the temps are going to be around 86 degress by you today. Perfect sweater weather, hehe. Remember how cold it was when you came to Michigan?

Love the pic of Sam and the boys. He's teaching them young how to be just like daddy! I love the pic of you and Bridget even more!! LOVE IT!

By the way, a dutch apple pie is a one crust with butter, brn sugar, and flour crumbled on the top. I add some oatmeal as well. Yummy!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i am just like you. every season feels like my favorite. instead of calling it fickle...i prefer to call it thankful.

i think it's how God created it to be. just when you can bear no more of one season (spiritually and physically), it passes and He ushers in another beautiful one that feels brand new and we see it with the eyes of an innocent.

love the fall activities...and the picture of 'the girls' is adorable!

Kerrie said...

Watching Charlie Brown outside = awesome!!

R. E. Lueck said...

I love the pictures! You guys are too cute. So I'm going to be in town for alumni weekend, and I know Sam is out at Hamilton... if you're interested in seeing the football game on campus tomorrow (Saturday), feel free to join me there with the kids! We can all sit together and enjoy the fun. Let me know! (In case you don't have my cell number, it's 281-734-9775.)

Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grace said...

Oh, I forgot...we made calzones last week and will have them again this week. A Cheap and quick meal...Thank you for the recipe! WE ALL LOVE THEM!!!

michelle said...

Such a neat time of year...sad we will miss it! Great pics!

Tamara B. said...

Loved the pic's of you all with the pumpkins. We love going to the pumpkin patch, too bad we didn't make it this year. Oh, well, there's always next year. What a great idea, watching Charlie Brown outside. We couldn't do that here, tooooo cold. But, if it were warmer, that would be a lot of fun.

Kimmy said...

love your table... this is a fun post... I LOVE fall, too... SO MUCH. You're looking good, too girl... didn't yo just have a baby!?!?!? ~ kim

Multi-Tasking Moms said...

FYI, I'm about to post the winners of our contest, you might wanna come over soon.

0:) Amber

Multi-Tasking Moms said...

Great pics by the way, looks like you all had a GREAT time:)

God Bless,

Grace said...

Love the pictures!

What a neat idea watching the Charlie Brown great pumpkin movie outside!

Sounds like you are ready for Fall.

How are you doing with Three kiddos?

Going from 2 to 3 was completely busy for me, but I wouldn't have it any other WAY! I love be a mommy of 3! *Note it is non-stop though!

Oops, I had to delete and retype this..."WOULDN'T have it any other..."