Friday, January 25, 2008

Guess I need to be more specific . . . .

The boys were wanting to watch a movie last night that they had borrowed from the library. I wanted to get the kitchen cleaned up from dinner, so I told them that if they would pick up the living room and playroom while I cleaned up, then we could all sit down and watch it together. This is a chore that they do quite often and really only entails putting toys away.

Well, they dawdled. They played. They did everything except clean up.

By the time I was done in the kitchen, I thought they had wasted enough time. So I told Henry, "You are in charge of this clean-up. If you want to watch the movie, you boys need to pick up your toys! I'm going to go fold a load of laundry and when I come back ALL of the toys need to be off of the floor. If they are, then we'll watch the movie. If they aren't, we won't. Deal?" He agreed.

The boys dove into their job. I went to work on the laundry.

When I came back, all of the toys were actually off the floor! Yay for the boys!
The only thing is that every matchbox car, every stuffed animal, every plastic hammer and screwdriver, every dinosaur, every single toy they had played with yesterday was now lined up on either the coffee table or the couch or the train table. They didn't put a single toy away, but they did get every toy off of the floor!

Next time I'll remember to be more specific. This time....we watched the movie. :)


Anonymous said...

Love it! They did as you said only with the mind of a precious child :o)

Just Mom said...


Happens here all the time.

Unknown said...

Oh those boys are sharp! That is just so cute and funny. I just love them! and miss them...

sam said...

How come every time you blog you mention laundry. You sure do a lot of laundry. Either that or you dilly dally. Which is it?

Beth said...

So laughing outloud!! Oh, and for the record, I actually anticipated you were going to say something like that. Four kids here--oh, such an expert. : )

Beth said...

Just incase it doesn't show, that last comment is one of sheer sarcasm! : )