Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Parenting for Dummies-part 1

When you're babysitting a friend's toddler, and you're letting him play with play-doh. . . . . .

don't ever step away from the area, even if it's "just for a minute" to change your own baby's diaper.

Let's just say. . . . . "Lesson learned." :)


Heidi Jo Comes said...
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Heidi Jo Comes said...


Lisa H said...


Anonymous said...

oh, carpet. ick. lesson learned!

michelle said...

Play doh should be confined to the summer season when it can be enjoyed outside....that is my lesson learned. :-)

BTW---LOVE the pic of the boys weeing off the trampoline. Hilarious!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

michelle, outdoors with playdoh has it's perks...but dirt, grass and sand mixed with the playdoh makes short life of it.

ours is confined to the kitchen table--no carpeting.

Just Mom said...

Let the Play-doh dry and pick it off. Seems to work for me.