Monday, March 31, 2008

a few random pictures....

There has been some progress out on our new property this week. They poured the slab on Friday, so we are one step closer to our new home!

Henry was very excited to see the workers brought this out (and put it right below my favorite tree, I might add!)--he finds any excuse to use it while we're out there.

Henry and Jonah choose their own clothes and get themselves dressed every single morning. I rarely have to intervene and they enjoy the freedom to choose whatever they want to wear.

Sometimes it's sort of...well, obvious that Jonah dresses himself. Like on Saturday, for example:

And one final picture. All I can say is, when she's tired....she's REALLY tired!


Grace said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize you were starting the foundation work already. I'm super excited for you and Sam. I can't wait to see the progress over the next few months.

The picture of Jonah is too cute, and your little Bridget is just PRECIOUS!

Have a wonderful week!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

hey i get the backwards clothing thing. our kate, puts her jeans on about wedgie!

that picture of bridget is adorable.

Anonymous said...

JoJo, how funny!

I love your new profile pic. It's the best.

As for the new house, I'm coming for a stay. Remember your husband invited me without you having any knowledge of it, hehe. I promise to bring Dave and you can bake me a cake :o)

Hopefully someday we will get your way to at least stop and say, "HEY"

Andrea said...

You'll have to take me out to your property one day so I can really see it. I'm excited for you.

Bridget's picture is sooo cute.

Jonah too, but cuter in person.

Just Mom said...

Love the photos!