Sunday, May 04, 2008

Jonah, on coloring....

"When I was two, I scribbled. But now that I'm three, I color!"

And more from Jonah:

This is Jonah nursing his baby (who happens to be named Bridget, if you must know),
and he never forgets to burp her! :)

Have a happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Cracking up at Jonah nursing his baby. Lindsey used to do that when Alicia was a baby. I thought it was just so cute. It's a little weird as Jonah is a boy, but still cute as can be.

I can't help but wonder what Sam thinks of his little man nursing a doll...hehe.

Kim said...

ROFL!! That was funny!

Andrea said...

How does Sam handle this? Patrick would not be okay.

Jonah's such a sweetie.

michelle said...

Cutie Putie!!!

Grace said...

I think Jonah is PRECIOUS! What a sweeet little boy!