7:00am Wake up and have fun playing in crib
7:15am Start calling out, in hopes that big brothers will come in to play
7:15-8am Play silly games with brothers, especially dumping out as many baskets of toys as possible
8:00am Breakfast (banana, blueberries, toast, milk)
8-9:00 Follow brothers around the house, read books with Mommy
9-10:00am Have a nice little nap (when possible) to improve mood
10:30am Load up to go somewhere fun (the pool, the zoo, the park, the library, etc...). Look for MANY opportunities to say, "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" to anyone and everyone.
12:00 noon Have lunch (picnics are preferred)
1:30pm Nap time!
3:30pm Get up and try to wake brothers up to play
4:00-6:00pm Play in backyard, chase Elmer around and crawl on him when he stops, stare longingly at the trampoline and hope Mommy sees, play in dog's water bowl, pick some flowers and eat them, find some dirt to dig around in...
6:00pm Dinner (chicken, peas, beans, milk)
6:30pm Play cars with brothers, dump out a few more baskets of toys
7:00pm Bathtime--play for a long time in the water
7:30pm Story time then bedtime!
Now that's my kind of schedule. (Although, I think I can do without eating flowers.)
You forgot to mention all the times Dad changes her diaper! I do that about 6 times a day, just so everyone knows. Thank-you very much. I am such a good father and spouse. I am so great.
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