Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun at the Lake

We've been spending lots of time out at Dave and MaryBeth's house, swimming and enjoying the summer. Last weekend we purchased a new 'toy' for the lake:

It's great! The middle (where we are sitting) is a trampoline, so you can jump on it or jump off into the water. It can be a little tricky to climb up, but the kids figured out that if they just climb up the slide it is much easier than using the ladder.

Bridget enjoyed swimming in her little floaty! She laughed, smiled and giggled the entire time she was in the water--I don't think she wanted to get out! It doesn't hurt that the water is around 80 degrees, so it isn't exactly cold. :)

And here is the kid's great joy:

Jumping off the railing of the dock! Who knew that could be so much fun? The boys can spend an hour just climbing up on the railing, jumping off, swimming to the ladder and doing it all over and over and over again!

Last weekend the boys had an especially good time because Ashley, Jay and Cole were there to swim with them--cousins are SO fun!

Hope you're enjoying some fun summer activites wherever YOU are! :)


Andrea said...

I was online yesterday looking at all the cool pool toys. I saw the trampoline and I thought of you guys. How crazy is that?!
It looks like alot of fun.

Just Mom said...

Oh, that looks like such fun.

We've been heading out to a nearby park, walking around the neighborhood and taking our son to the community pool. (Actually, my hubby has been doing that. I've been trying desperately to declutter.)

Kim said...

FUN! That water looks so good right now.... it is REALLY hot out there today! And that trampoline looks like a blast!!

Cute Bridget! My babies used to use one of those floaties, too... they're very handy!

Anonymous said...

Dave and MaryBeth's place looks just amazing. How great to enjoy family and have such a great place to do it.

The picture of Bridget is waaaaaay cute! Can't believe it's almost her first birthday. Wow, where did that year go?

4under3 said...

Your day at the lake looks like it was a blast. Even little peanut in her baby tube looks like she's loving the water.