This week I had a sad, sad revelation. After being pregnant and/or nursing babies for the last six years or so, my body is changed. Completely. Mostly in a very good way--I will say that being pregnant AND nursing my babies gave me a whole new appreciation for this incredibly useful body that God gave me. But now that the last baby is weaned and my body has finally adjusted and accepted that fact, NONE of my bras fit anymore! Not a single one! And I'm not happy about it. Some of you might think, "Ah, but now you can go shopping!" and I might be tempted to agree--I mean I do love shopping after all. :) But trying on dozens of bras and searching for just the right size/style/fit/whatever? That just doesn't appeal to me.
So anyway, this might be just a little TMI for some of you, but I really wanted to get that off my chest....pun intended, of course. ;)
well, i would assume that unless you are the luckiest woman on the universe...your bras are too big now? if so, go for the padding baby! that's what i did. they shrunk em' but modern bra technology can boost em' back up...and in my case create what isn't even there:0) TMI? you started it.
VS angel's the only way. I'm not a fan of their advertising, but I love their bras and it's been 19 years since I nursed a baby, just not pretty :) Yup, TMI, but it's life and looking good and feeling good is worth a lot. The right bra makes all the difference.
I laughed when I saw HJ commented. I remember her dealing with the same issue. See, you are not alone, we have all walked the same least those who are not naturally blessed beyond measure in this department.
So funny. Only b/c I've been there! I AM there. Never mind. It's not that funny. I feel your pain.
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