Fun new recipes HERE.
Also I think there is a new post HERE and Sam would love to hear your sarcasm thoughts, as usual if you have a minute to pop over there.
Oh, and an update on Jonah? I broke the news to him yesterday. He's doing okay with it so far; however, I don't think he really gets that he won't be allowed to play in the games. The coach is a great guy and LOVES to have Jonah practice, so I think it's going to be alright. Just a little reminder to my kids that their mommy is a sinner, saved by grace! It's good for them to see me mess up and have to apologize too--makes me more 'human' to them. :)
Just popped over to catch up with that husband of yours. I was so disappointed that he wasn't coming back to Grand Rapids this January. I guess meeting Dave and me really scared him off and now he's going all the way across the state from us... :(
Always happy to read his update and know all is well at your house.
Isn't that the name of that thing that brings Mickey Mouse all the tools he'll need for an episode of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
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