I totally forgot to explain the twinkie tree in my last post!!! Oops. :)
This past fall we were on vacation in Florida with Jon and Kelly and Sam's parents. One day we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the cute little town of Seaside to spend the afternoon. Individually wrapped twinkies were planned for dessert.
We went to the town square and found two tables we could push together to make enough room for all of us to sit...and then the kids decided it would be MUCH more fun to sit on the ground beside us. When the kids were just about done eating, Sam got out dessert and started passing it around. He took a twinkie and tossed it toward Jonah (who was sitting on the ground, remember). Jonah happened to be sitting under a tree, so when he looked up to see where the twinkie fell from it made sense that it would have come from the tree.
Sam encouraged the idea that it had fallen right out of the tree by telling Jonah that he was, in fact, sitting under a "twinkie tree." Never mind that the twinkies were wrapped in plastic. Jonah bought it hook, line and sinker. Sam had lots of fun telling Jonah all about twinkie trees and how they usually only bloom on Christmas Day.
Before we left the area, Jonah found a really smooth stone with some criss-cross marks on it. (I think it had been glued to something at one time and the markings were the glue residue.) When Sam saw it, he told Jonah that he had found an extremely rare seed from the twinkie tree.
We brought the seed home and planted it in our front yard near the flag pole, and we've been waiting ever since. When the fire required us to move out of the house we told Jonah that we'd be sure to move the twinkie seed over with us.
After the kids went to bed on Christmas Eve, Sam went out and found a big branch and planted it into a bucket...then brought it inside and hung twinkies from it. Jonah was thrilled to find it when he woke up Christmas morning!
Henry was quite suspicious when he noticed the twinkies were hanging from pieces of tape. He declared that he didn't believe in the twinkie tree. Funny how he didn't mind the fact that the twinkies were individually wrapped, he was just bothered by the tape. ;)
And that is the story of the twinkie tree!
This is hilarious!!! I was trying to figure out what the symbolism was with the twinkie tree!!:) SO Great....
Do Ho-Hos grow on trees?
That is hysterical!!! I love it!
Okay, yeah- I want to hear your first date story, for sure! And your hair in these photos is getting so long- it looks GREAT! And I promise you Jonah has aged in just the month I've been gone- he looks like a different kid to me- Bridgie is getting so much bigger, too! And you guys are a riot with that twinkie tree- you've got to make one of those photo books out of the story for Jonah- that would be great! Can't wait to see you guys soon and catch up with a round of cards- I miss seeing y'all and playing! ---Beth
What a great story! Jonah's going to remember that for the rest of his life.
Tell Sam I think he rocks as a dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genuine love for his son, that's for sure.
that is awesome!!!
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