Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

(Bridget found my make-up this week and thought she would improve her eyebrows, but I think I prefer a more natural look for her.) :)


Shanygne said...

NIIIICE! Emily did that once.. wait, scratch that.. I was cleaning out the bathroom closet and my makeup and LET her do it.. she was happy as a clam until she looked at herself in the mirror... then she started crying hysterically at the lipstick all over her face...

Heidi Jo Comes said...

wow, she did great to get it in the right vicinity! at least it's make-up....mine did that to their sibling with markers once :o)

Just Mom said...

Hey, that's not bad....

Jennifer Kindle said...

that is hilarious! i haven't had time to read all of your last blogs about vacation and all but the pictures are all so great.

Leslie said...

LOVING the expression!!!:) Hilarious!!:)

Anonymous said...

Love the previous update on the "Hasz Family Farm"!! You guys have way too much fun.

Your little beauty reminds me of a little beauty that used to live with me. No lack of surprises, LOL