Sunday, September 03, 2006

Betty Crocker? I think not.

Here is an example of my baking skills....

I can make a beautiful banana cream pie (with meringue on top!), as long as you don't mind a little fire in the kitchen!

When I was making this I was so paranoid that I would burn the meringue that I set two timers just to be sure. When I smelled smoke coming from the kitchen, I just couldn't believe it. I checked...everything looked fine. It could use a few more minutes. Oh, wait. Not everything looked fine. There was that potholder smoldering on the burner that I had left turned on. Oops!

So I couldn't use it to pull out the pie, but the pie did turn out pretty well! :)


Unknown said...

BUT...the pie looks great! You are what is a little charred pot holder???? Have a great day!

Beth said...

Looks delicious!