Saturday, December 30, 2006

Once again.....against my better judgement...

I will lead you to check out my husband's very entertaining account of Christmas--you may find it slightly different than mine. I'll leave it up to you to decide what really happened! Lazy By Nature

I can't figure out how to put a link into the text here (it can't be that hard, can it?) so if you want to read it, the link is on my sidebar.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, hope Sam still lets me be your friend after he reads his comments. We were having fun after reading his blog. What a hoot!

Unknown said...

Glad I know the real Sam Hasz...this one sounds like a real horror story! Love you>

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Read both you and your husband's account...gotta love the male perspective:-) And the honesty!

To do a link is pretty simple...on your compose page there is a symbol (near the add a photo icon) that looks like a bull or something. Highlight what you want to link then click on that symbol and it will pop up with a place for you to insert the website. It's really simple once you know where it is!

Thank you for the humor!

Beth said...

He is entertaining!:)

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I miss you. What have those little boys been up to?