Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another installment....

Deep Thoughts

by Henry

"Mommy, how do ladybugs scratch their backs?"


mary said...

that's awesome! So how do they scratch their backs anyway?

Anonymous said...

Last time I saw a ladybug it was in an awesome spider web...I hope the spider was not the answer to gettin' it's back scratched :(
Henry's getting cuter all the time.
Hope Joseph's head is healing, poor baby, oh he's not your baby anymore..well he is, but only until you can hold the other bundle :)
Lindsey couldn't believe I cried at your news..I'm such a sap! I'm still smiling at the thought :)

Just Mom said...

Sounds like a perfectly logical question to me.

Unknown said...

Oh how cute....isn't it amazing what goes through that little mind? I love it! Okay...HOW do they?

michelle said...

Losing sleep over here waiting for the anwser!

Beth said...

Can't say I've ever wondered about that one . . . I've heard curiosity is a sign of intelligence. : )

happy idiot said...

Ladybugs and turtles have the same problem!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

And your answer was....?