Henry is very excited, and he keeps asking when "she" can come out so they can play with "her." That, and he also keeps asking where the baby comes out. I've so far dodged answering that one! We asked if he could think of any good names for the new baby, and after some serious thought, his eyes lit up and he said, "How about McDonald's!!!" It didn't make the list.
Jonah doesn't really get it, but I think it will be easier for him once there is more tangible evidence (ie, a belly!). He's not quite ready to give up being "the baby" but I'm sure he'll adjust in time!
So there you go! It's no longer a secret! :)
So happy to be the first cyber-friend to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an amazing gift! Is she a she? Or is that wishful thinking on the boys' part?
Hurray, hurray, hurray! Wish I could give you a hug. Oh boy (or girl), it's time to play the Hasz name game again, haha!
Hooray!!!! I'm so happy for you. Is it weird to be so happy for someone you have never met? But I truly, truly am happy for you!!!
Congratulations!! Now you are going to have change the name of your blog-it's going to be girl of course.
Congratulations!! I came over to play the game after I saw your comment on my blog. Never met you personally but I've heard a lot about you and Sam via the other Hasz's.
My first two were born in Tyler, TX (TM babies) and both experiences were great. I am sure yours will be the same!
Please accept my (kinda belated) congratulations.
They said that a sibling knows the gender of the little one growing in mommy's tummy... My oldest said a girl and it was or she was! Congrats!
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