Friday, February 16, 2007

Toddler love

The boys really love their cousin Jordan, and here they had a chance to show her just how much!

Regarding the last post (about fishing), all those who guessed Jonah were correct! Henry didn't want to even touch the fish, but Jonah was eager to throw all the fish back in the water--he thought it was great fun! And since I've been stingy about prizes in the past, I'll be happy to send out prizes this time. Just leave me your address in the comments area and we'll ship you out one of the fine little fish the boys caught! :)


mary said...

how sweet are your boys, and I know how much they love Jordon. I'm so happy that you all live so close together and they get to spend quality time together.

Shanygne said...

So sweet, so sweet so sweet!!
We need to get our boys together... I know Ethan would love hanging out with them!

I find it nearly prophetic (for lack of brain cells) that it was Jonah that would throw the fish back... Jonah, the whale, yeah. You get it...

Just Mom said...

That is just the sweetest photo.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Aisha said it. That is too adoreable.

Beth said...

So cute! I'm glad my kids have such great cousins . . . and that they're nearby! : )

Anonymous said...

Are they practicing for that baby sister?

Lori said...

I agree that photo is adorable.
My kids always ooh and aah over little ones.